As with the Schedule section of this site, this is still very much under construction though we will be trying to add results as we get them. For this section we will add the results in a format that shows the results from each card based in Asia and each card will also contain a write up.
From cards not based in Asia but with an Asian interest, for example an Asian fighting in a world title fight in the US or Mexico, we will include their bouts in the results but not the results of the full card (as we would in the case of an Asian card).
For cards with no direct Asian interest (for example a British or American card which doesn't feature and Asian fighter) we will not be including any results at all.
From cards not based in Asia but with an Asian interest, for example an Asian fighting in a world title fight in the US or Mexico, we will include their bouts in the results but not the results of the full card (as we would in the case of an Asian card).
For cards with no direct Asian interest (for example a British or American card which doesn't feature and Asian fighter) we will not be including any results at all.